My Yoga Is…

After 13 blissful work-free days, I reluctantly rolled out of bed this morning and headed into school. It is still largely empty while students & teachers wrap up the rest of their holiday break, and I have to say it was heavenly. Taking a note from Depeche Mode, I enjoyed the silence while zen-ifying my office with some of my favorite Christmas gifts from friends and family.


I was out of the office early enough to get in a run before the sun started to set, officially (finally) initiating my Publix Georgia Half Marathon training! I headed to the Silver Comet Trail and decided to mix things up by starting at a different trail head than usual.

silver comet

As evident by the above picture, it was not the prettiest of days, and this route had more stoplights and intersections than my usual SC run; nevertheless, I enjoyed the change of scenery. Running the same route quickly gets torturous and monotonous these days. Plus, I don’t know what it is about bridges, but I always feel the need to go all out when I pass over them.


After a little over 4 miles, I headed to the yoga studio to stretch it all out and hang in the hammock for a bit. My lower half was talking to me tonight – hello, tight hips & hammies.


One of the instructors, Lisa (check out her blog at A Charmed Yogi!), painted this awesome sign for the studio where everyone can write what yoga means to them. What a great idea, right?


I really had to put some thought into what my yoga is. When I started practicing, it was for purely vain reasons; I wanted my body to look like one of those yoga girls. Now it’s what I consider my “me” time; time after a busy or stressful week where I can zone out with my own thoughts and give my muscles some TLC.

What is your yoga?

Hello, Goodbye.

The last day of 2012 started with a 75-minute hot yoga class at Be Yoga. During class, I imagined all the negative experiences of 2012 leaving my body with every drop of sweat (and there were a lot). Aside from helping me mentally and physically prepare to welcome 2013, it also took my mind off the fire I felt in my biceps and glutes throughout class – yowza. Later that night, Mitch and I spent New Year’s Eve with my family, as we have for the past four years. The only difference was Mel Gibson decided to join this year.


2012 certainly had trying moments, but it was also a year filled with new & exciting experiences. We bought a new car, moved into a house, became godparents to a beautiful little girl, and celebrated our first wedding anniversary. I left a job that made me miserable for one that I look forward to going to each day. I ran a 5k, then a 10k, and then a half marathon where I officially came down with the race bug.

While ringing in 2013, I thought of the New Year’s resolutions that I made last year; those I followed through with (more yoga, less stress) and those that could still use some improvement (more blogging, less wine). Is it okay to blame those failed resolutions on all my  stress over the world’s imminent end in 2012? No?


Apocalypse jokes aside, at the end of the day only I am accountable for my successes and failures, and I am determined to make 2013 an unforgettable year. I will run a race every month. I will learn to play a song on my banjo. I will blog multiple times per week. I will incorporate headstands into my yoga practice. I will be more conscious of what I put in my body (after I finish this pizza and champagne). I will work on chipping away at our debt so we can start seriously saving. I will step outside of my comfort zone – not just with fitness, but with food, music, traveling. And when in doubt, I will turn to Pinterest.

How about you? What are your goals for 2013?