
There is so much eloquently said on days like today that anything I could possibly muster seems trivial. To have the finish line in sight after putting your body through such a grueling test of strength, only to feel your hopes dashed and memories destroyed by senseless violence, is unthinkable as a fellow runner, a fellow American, a fellow human. My heart goes out to those affected by today’s tragedy in Boston.

While obviously this information is ever-changing, NPR currently has a great list of online tools to use to connect with your loved ones, while HuffPo Impact offers ways you can help from both near and far.

One of my favorite print shops, The Old Try, also created this Patriot’s Day print. All proceeds from this New England print will go to families impacted by today’s horrific events.

Readers, please share any other ways that we can help Boston and the running community recover from today.

Still in a New York State of Mind.

I’ve only been back in Georgia for a few hours, but I’m already sorting through my photos of what was an amazing, whirlwind-of-a-time in The Big Apple. A more detailed post is coming, but in the meantime, here are a few of my favorite shots.

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Realigned and Feelin’ Fine.

After work, I went straight to the chiropractor to have him reevaluate all the wonkiness that had been going on in my hips and spine on Saturday. We did the same reflex & flexibility tests and adjustments that we did a few days ago, and Dr. B said although everything wasn’t perfect, it was a vast improvement from the way things had been looking. Obvs my next question was, “Sooooooo does this mean I can run again?” to which he replied…
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Keep On Rollin’ Baby.

Last night Mitch and I had some folks over to hang out, eat unhealthy food, and watch the Super Bowl. Our friend Josh is also training for the Georgia Half Marathon (his first!) and we were talking about his long run earlier that day when he mentioned he was feeling some residual tightness. Being the gracious hostess that I am, I promptly ran into our back room and emerged with this bad boy.


There ain’t anything quite like busting out a 36″ x 6″ cylinder of foam to really get the party started. I guess that’s just how I roll. Continue reading

Long Live the King.

First things first, happy birthday Elvis! Many thanks to Yoga Dork for opening my eyes to this amazing video.

I don’t think there is anything more delightful than seeing this hunka hunka burnin’ love sing the lyrics, “You tell me just how I can take this yoga serious when all it ever gives me is a pain in my posterious.”


After work, I scooted over to Cheatham Hill for a  quick 2.6 mile run before coming home to cook a yummy dinner and climb in the bathtub with some red wine and Lana del Rey. Not bad for a Tuesday!

An aerial yoga class, a short run, and a post-holiday detox workshop with A Charmed Yogi are on deck prior to Sunday’s race. This is my first race with my mom, and I am super excited! I’m thinking of making her a special playlist to get her extra pumped that morning. Any suggestions?