The Seven-Minute Workout: Too Good to Be True?

First things first, so sorry to neglect you, dear blog. The end-of-the-year madness has finally started to calm down at work, so my brain no longer feels the need to shut itself down and run screaming from a computer at 7:30 each evening. I hope to never leave the blog so high-and-dry again. Please forgive me, WordPress. I promise our honeymoon phase is not over yet.

With my Mondays & Wednesdays spent at the yoga studio, I usually go to the gym on Tuesdays & Thursdays. Atlanta had some seriously gorgeous weather yesterday, and I just couldn’t bring myself to stay inside, running on a treadmill like a hamster. When I got home from work, I laced up my shoes and took the dogs for a quick 2-mile walk, wondering what else I could do to make myself feel less guilty about missing a workout. While walking back home, I remembered a New York Times tweet I had seen about a new, super effective seven-minute endurance workout that had appeared in a recent issue of the American College of Sports Medicine’s Health & Fitness Journal. My interest was piqued.

Hey, thanks, New York Times!

With 12 basic exercises that use only  body weight, a chair and a wall, scientists claim the routine routine fulfills the latest mandates for high-intensity effort – a combination of a long run and strength training – in about seven minutes of steady discomfort. The payoff? The benefits of prolonged endurance training in much less time. Continue reading

The Georgia Half Marathon Expo + Pre-Race Thoughts.

After an hour of hot yoga at Ember Hot Yoga‘s Open House to stretch everything out one last time, Mom and I hit the Publix Georgia Half Marathon Expo to pick up our race packet (and free swag, duh).

As hard as it was to pass all the vendors at first, we headed straight towards the back of the expo to pickup our race packets. Luckily, packet pickup was a breeze! There was no line and the volunteers were very friendly, even when I asked them what the hell a streaker was. The first order of business after getting our gear…

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Not So Blue Monday.

Sometimes when your post-work commute looks like this…


The only solution is this…


Turns out that an hour and a half of twisting, stretching, and hanging in a silk to the sounds of Florence & the Machine does wonders for your mood, especially when followed by a steaming bowl of tomato soup and a beer.

Cheers to the beginning of this week!