Friday Favorites.

Happy Friday! I feel like we haven’t seen the sun in Atlanta in DAYS. These were the things that served as my little rays of sunshine instead!

  • As a lifelong Uncle Jesse fan, Thought Catalog’s piece on where the characters from Full House would be today was basically amazing
  • Oscar nominations were released yesterday – happy for Quvenzhane but so sad about no Best Picture love for Moonrise Kingdom
  • I’m a sucker for a good infographic and all kinds of wine, so you can only imagine how happy this made me
  • Thank you, Kristen Wiig, for giving me a .gif almost identical to my reaction upon reading The Avett Brothers will be here with Old Crow Medicine show in May

I am so looking forward to hitting up the Hot Chocolate expo tomorrow evening and then running Sunday’s 5k with my mom! What are your weekend plans?