What I’m Into and What I’m Not Into: April Edition

As you have probably noticed, I am in a bit of a blogging rut. It’s not necessarily for lack of content; I’m running the most – and best – I have since last month’s knee diagnosis. If we are being totally honest, I just can’t bring myself to update this every day with the same ole “I ran ___ miles on the treadmill then I strength trained/did yoga/parkoured.” To borrow from two of my favorite memes, ain’t nobody got time for that and no1curr.

I have, however, been excited (and less than thrilled) about a variety of different things lately….so much so that one might even ask, “Hey Meghan…what are you into these days?” Continue reading

Spring Break Spin Sesh.

By the time Friday rolled around, I could hardly concentrate on anything remotely grown up-related. My brain waves looked like a never-ending loop of that clip of James Franco in the Spring Breakers trailer, saying “Sprang braaaaaake” with a mouth full of gold.

BuzzFeed never lets me down.

This weekend hasn’t let me down. I won’t rehash all of the start to the Spring Break 2k13 fun, but here are some photos that best illustrate just how much we let the good times roll. Spoiler alert: things get crazy. Continue reading

48 Hours in New York City.

Geez, long time, no blog. After New York, I was only home for two days before dashing off to Arkansas to visit my little brother before he leaves on his second tour of Afghanistan this week. He deploys early Thursday morning; while I have no doubt we will be seeing his face in September, I’d appreciate it if you would keep him in your thoughts, blogworld!

I have been working on this post for a whole seven days – and it’s my 50th post! – so I think it’s time to hit publish and not look back!

48 Hours in the Big Apple

Thanks to lots of advanced research (shoutout to Google Maps and Trip Advisor), I was able to cover a lot of ground in a relatively short time in New York.


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That’s A Wrap.

After an epic Skype happy hour with my girl Mary, it was late to bed and early to rise. I’m used to 7-8 hours of sleep a night, and I was prepared to wake up hating life, but surprisingly, I woke up feeling energetic – good thing because I had to head into work super early to greet a news crew. Good Day Atlanta’s High 5 Field Trip spent a few hours on campus this morning, and the result was a bunch of fun segments with all the students that you can watch over on their website.

An exciting morning meant I had a lot of nervous energy to burn off after work, so I headed to Kolb’s Farm to attempt 5 miles. I wrapped my troublesome knee, wore my compression tights, and hoped for the best.

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