Spring Has (Finally) Sprung!

After what seemed like the longest Georgia winter in recent memory, I’ve been spending most of my free time outside in this gorgeous weather (insanely high pollen count not included in that description) and thus neglecting the ole blog. My apologies! Here’s a quick look at what I’ve been up to these past few days.

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Realigned and Feelin’ Fine.

After work, I went straight to the chiropractor to have him reevaluate all the wonkiness that had been going on in my hips and spine on Saturday. We did the same reflex & flexibility tests and adjustments that we did a few days ago, and Dr. B said although everything wasn’t perfect, it was a vast improvement from the way things had been looking. Obvs my next question was, “Sooooooo does this mean I can run again?” to which he replied…
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