Spring Has (Finally) Sprung!

After what seemed like the longest Georgia winter in recent memory, I’ve been spending most of my free time outside in this gorgeous weather (insanely high pollen count not included in that description) and thus neglecting the ole blog. My apologies! Here’s a quick look at what I’ve been up to these past few days.

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A Weekend in Highlands.

Rather than stay in Atlanta, this year we decided to spend Christmas in Highlands, North Carolina with my family in a house I found on VRBO. How cute is this joint?


This morning we woke up and went for a hike on nearby Whiteside Mountain.


It’s a moderate 2-mile loop trail up and down the mountain, but factor in the fact that you are walking on one giant icicle, and it feels like much more.


The views from the top were worth the somewhat precarious climb.


Plus, I love any photo op that involves a yoga pose with a craggy backdrop.


Going up & down a mountain while trying not to slip on ice works up an appetite. We headed to the downtown area for a late lunch at The Ugly Dog Public House. All the waitress had to say was “local IPA on draft” and I was good to go.


The burgers were alright, but the star of the show were these amazing bleu cheese kettle chips. Just look at that grease!


On the way back to the house, we stopped by Bridal Veil Falls where giant icicles were falling left and right and dramatically smashing on the ground. I’m pretty sure this day has been the most I have lived on the edge all month.


After a delicious chicken curry pot pie from Paul’s Pot Pies in Marietta, we are now all fireside with a book (or Kindle) and a glass of red wine (or scotch).


The forecast is calling for rain for the last few days of our trip. I’m envisioning lots of time spent in pants with an elastic waistband, curled up on the couch finally reading Gone Girl.