Spring Has (Finally) Sprung!

After what seemed like the longest Georgia winter in recent memory, I’ve been spending most of my free time outside in this gorgeous weather (insanely high pollen count not included in that description) and thus neglecting the ole blog. My apologies! Here’s a quick look at what I’ve been up to these past few days.

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April Foolin’ Y’all.

Wanna hear something that sounds like an April Fool’s joke but actually isn’t? I’ll be coaching Middle School volleyball for my school in the fall! I played volleyball for a few years in high school, but I have never coached anything so I’m as nervous as I am excited; I already can’t wait for the season to start at the end of July. In the meantime, I’ll see if I can dig up some old, blog-worthy volleyball pictures…

Not only did today mark April Fool’s and the start of my last week of work until Spring Break, but it also marked the start of my favorite season.

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Friday Favorites.

After traveling the past two weekends, I am selfishly looking forward to having this weekend to myself. My husband is out of town, so I have big plans of celebrating the arrival of Friday (piano bar with coworkers), working on my fitness (trying out a local rowing gym and taking a community hot yoga class on Saturday), and just plain relaxing (bubble baths & at-home mani-pedi).

  • So proud of my adopted homestate of Mississippi for doing big things, y’all. Hotty Toddy.
  • In celebration of International Women’s Day today,  National Geographic compiled a few inspiring photos and quotes from female explorers. Work it, ladies!
  • I still struggle with calling myself a runner because, quite frankly, I’m not particularly fast and I still take walking breaks. That said, thank you Ali for this little boost of encouragement.
  • The forecast for next weekend’s Georgia Half Marathon? 71 and sunny. Oh hey, spring. So very nice to see you.
  • Nothing does my wonky hips justice quite like this baby picture of me in my body cast with my fierce grandmother. Enjoy!
